Know How to Maximize as a Couple when You have a Sprint Schedule

2024-01-08T01:14:55-06:00Care, Goals|

The tortoise and the hare children’s fable is familiar.  The hare opens with a sprint and uses his speed and agility to race the tortoise believing that his unique ability will lead to sure victory.  The tortoise’s abilities lie in moving through the race at the only pace he has, slow.  Because the hare uses all his energy to get ahead in the beginning, it’s his required rest that ends up causing him to lose the race.  The moral is “slow and steady wins the race”. Life in the 20th century seems to need both sprint and steady to accomplish the demands we have as couples.  Mike and I find [...]

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Opting out of Relationship Paradigms

2024-01-08T01:16:37-06:00Communication, Goals|

When was the last time you said to your spouse, “You sound just like your Mom, or You sound just like your Dad.”  Now listen to how you just “said” that in your head. Doing this can tell you a lot about what you think regarding your In-laws relationship.  If you said that with a loving sigh, “You sound just like….. (sigh)” then your in-laws, more than likely have a fairly good relationship.  However if it was a critical and snarky inter-cranial comment then you may not care for how your in-laws do some parts of their marriage. Break the Habits & Opt Out So how do you keep from repeating [...]

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Why Every Couple Needs Goals!

2024-01-08T01:16:40-06:00Accomplishments, Goals|

Ask couples what they really desire in their relationship, and there will be many varied answers. But those answers come down to closeness and intimacy. We all want to move through time with our loved one in ways that make us feel we have a sense of purpose with each other. We need a vision of a happy future; that we can share and make our dreams happen together. Couples want to know their partner will be there for them and they will work as a team to make their life meaningful. However, many couples get stuck as they move through time together because of HOW they deal with the [...]

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