
20 Ways to Cherish your Wife and make her Feel Amazing

2024-01-08T01:12:33-06:00Care, Cherish|

Do you ever wish you’d paid it forward just a little more with your wife? Given a little more attention to that conversation or request for some help? Sometimes life gives you just that opportunity to cherish your wife and if you’re running a little short on inspiration, here’s your cheat sheet. If you’re a wife and want your hubby to read this, print the list and just leave it lying around. Maybe he’ll take the hint. Better yet, check out this blog, “20 Ways to Make Your Hubby Feel Loved and Respected”. Implement a few of those ideas and maybe he’ll come up with some of his own… This [...]

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20 Ways to Inspire Your Husband

2024-01-08T01:12:36-06:00Communication, Relationships|

Ever wonder how to give your man that little lift he needs during a hard week or time in life? Everyone goes through trials whether they come in the form of challenges or changes. And anyone- especially your hubby- can use some encouragement along the way. It’s no secret that men often feel like they are living a lie about who they really are and what they are capable of. In her book For Women Only, Shaunti Feldhahn sights multiple surveys she conducted personally. She talked with men from all walks of life and she concludes that a majority of men just need a little inspiration in their lives to [...]

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Does Being in Love Come from the Brain or Heart?

2024-01-08T01:12:36-06:00Emotion, Heart|

Most people don’t think about what is happening in their brains when they are in love. It’s all about the heart, right? After all, Cupid doesn’t shoot an arrow at your brain on Valentine’s Day — he points it at your heart! And everything that happens when you are in love, as your heart races and the mere sight of that special someone takes your breath away, can only be described as a giant ball of feel-good emotions. So, it’s natural that anyone with a brain would shout HEART if asked, “does being in love come from the brain or heart?” Do you really know why and how you love [...]

Emotional Intelligence: Emotional Understanding vs. Problem-Solving

2024-01-08T01:12:37-06:00Conflict, Emotion|

Everyone wants to be better at problem-solving. After all, it’s what helps drive effective communication — at work, with friends, and as couples. Many couples I see in my practice definitely want to problem solve. And yes, they do need solutions for their issues and problems; we all want those things in our lives.   While I do want to help them with problems, I’m really trying to teach people how to improve their emotional understanding.   This might surprise you, but problem-solving is the last thing I do. Starting with problem-solving is a waste of time!   Starting anywhere except attending to emotions will derail you most of the time [...]

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Are you and your spouse stuck in the Crazy Cycle?

2024-09-19T10:01:13-05:00Love, Respect|

As we’ve learned over the past couple of weeks, a wife has one important need — to feel loved. Conversely, a husband has his own important need that must be met — to feel respected. Dr. Emerson Eggerichs has researched, taught, and written about this fact for more than 40 years, and he believes that this love and respect cycle continues uninterrupted until each of these needs is met. This interaction is known as the Crazy Cycle, and it shows how important it is for the man to love his wife and the wife to respect her husband. Without those basic essentials, they cannot be happy, content, and confident about [...]

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The 3 Circles: How this Could Change Everything in your Life

2024-01-08T01:12:38-06:00Identity, Relationships|

We’ve covered a lot of ground over the previous three blog posts regarding The 3 Circles. Obviously, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. But the big question is, what have we learned? Here’s a quick breakdown … “When we accept what Jesus did for us on the cross, He gives us our identity as a person. We can now have a relationship with God, which He desires from us! And when we do that, we can live out our purpose in life.”   God’s heart is for His creation, His people, to have a heart that is free to live. He wants us to live free. [...]

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The 3 Circles: Relationship and Purpose

2024-01-08T01:12:38-06:00Identity, Relationships, Uncategorized|

To continue our conversation about The Father’s Heart this week, we will dive into the next two circles — Experience His Presence (Relationship) and Release His Kingdom (Purpose). Quick Recap of The Father's Heart!   The 3 Circles represent The Father’s Heart, which helps us understand who we are, who God is, and what we were created to do. As we’ve discussed over the previous two posts, there is a very specific way we should proceed through these circles. The gospel message, and God’s Heart for each of us, starts with “Receiving His Grace” - Identity, and moves us to “Experience His Presence” -Relationship, and we “Release His Kingdom” -Purpose in [...]

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The 3 Circles: Receive His Grace — Identity

2024-01-08T01:12:39-06:00Identity, Relationships|

Last week, we introduced The 3 Circles, an understanding of the gospel and God’s desire for us helps us understand who we are, who God is, and what we were created to do. And just like anything else, we must find the right starting point to make it all work. But that’s just the thing … where do we start? If you look at the image below, there are three intersecting rings (Receive His Grace, Experience His Presence, and Release His Kingdom). It’s not like we’re opening a book to Page 1, right? Any one of them can be the starting point. So should we just start with our purpose, [...]

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The 3 Circles: Who I Am, Who God Is, and What I’m Created to Do

2024-01-08T01:12:39-06:00Identity, Relationships|

“What’s my purpose in life?” “What am I here for?” “Who am I?” Have you heard these questions from someone before or even asked them yourself? I think we all reflect on these sometimes.  We will answer these using The Three Circles. My church uses an illustration called The Father’s Heart that helps us gain a better understanding of who we are, who God is, and what we were created to do. And at the risk of sounding partial, it’s really awesome! Susan and I believe it clearly portrays our true identity, but at the same time, the reality of how too often we incorrectly think about ourselves and view [...]

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Take a Professional Peek into Your Connection With Others

2024-01-08T01:12:40-06:00Mental Health, Perspective|

Have you ever noticed how some people are clingy and need constant validation or emotional connection with others they are closest to in their lives? That’s not to suggest that’s a bad thing, but on the flip side, maybe you personally don’t come across near as “needy.” Perhaps you’ve even accused yourself or been accused of being aloof, dismissive, and significantly less dependent on those connections. These differing attachment styles or ways we connect or attach to others come from what is called attachment theory. Attachment styles refer to how we each relate to others in relationships and what we need or don’t need in those situations. For example some [...]

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