Take a Professional Peek into Your Connection With Others

2024-01-08T01:12:40-06:00Mental Health, Perspective|

Have you ever noticed how some people are clingy and need constant validation or emotional connection with others they are closest to in their lives? That’s not to suggest that’s a bad thing, but on the flip side, maybe you personally don’t come across near as “needy.” Perhaps you’ve even accused yourself or been accused of being aloof, dismissive, and significantly less dependent on those connections. These differing attachment styles or ways we connect or attach to others come from what is called attachment theory. Attachment styles refer to how we each relate to others in relationships and what we need or don’t need in those situations. For example some [...]

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Confidence and Self-Image? A Clear Point of YOU!

2024-01-08T01:12:40-06:00Mental Health|

How do you see yourself? It’s a random question, I know. But seriously — take a hard look at how you see yourself. Do you see yourself as a confident person or someone who isn’t quite sure who they are and who they want to be? Do you see yourself through God’s eyes? Who are you spiritually? While many people feel good about where they’re at in life, others have incredibly low self-esteem and bounce back and forth in terms of their general view of themselves. These are questions that I’ve asked many of my clients over the years. And a lot of times, they’re taken aback by them. Why? [...]

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How to Sleep Better? Tips for Positive Change!

2024-01-08T01:12:46-06:00Mental Health, Strategy, Uncategorized|

The holidays are almost over, which means many of us are thinking about New Year’s resolutions. You know — lose weight, stop smoking, spend more time with family, etc. All of these are worthy resolutions as we try to make a positive change for the new year, and if they’re on your list, please act on them. But the one that should be at the top is to sleep better. Top of your Resolutions List:  Sleep Better Wait … sleep? Yes … sleep! We all know how important quality sleep is. But it’s not surprising that so many people still don’t sleep very well — especially after the past few [...]

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Top 5 Actions & Attitudes for Joy This Holiday Season

2024-01-08T01:12:51-06:00Mental Health|

The holidays are finally upon us. And for most of us, it’s a really exciting time. I say “most of us” because I can remember a time in my own life when the holidays were not something I looked forward to — not even remotely. I was in the food business for 25 years. And for all but two of those years, I was responsible for planning, inventory, ordering, and managing all the things it takes for people to have the huge holidays they expect and all the delectable goodies that come from their kitchens. So basically … the holidays were a massive headache for me. I didn’t like them. [...]

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Is Your Brain or Body in Control when you Fight?

2024-01-08T01:14:56-06:00Emotion, Flood, Mental Health|

Emotional Flooding Might Sound Like: “We can’t even talk without a fight.” “I get so angry, I can’t see straight.” “It’s like we go from zero to sixty!” “I don’t even remember what our fight is about, but I know it was ridiculous.” Ever said these words or felt this way about your spouse or partner?   We hear from couples whose whole lives together have been characterized by these kinds of scenarios. What should just be a simple conversation or discussion becomes a fight. Couples begin to live like they are enemies and adversaries rather than friends and lovers. The problem is likely “Diffused Physiological Arousal” according to John [...]

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3 Boosters for Better Mental Health

2024-01-08T01:15:01-06:00Mental Health|

Characteristics of Mental Health Mental health is more than just the absence of mental illness. It includes how you feel about yourself and how you adjust to life events. However, the National Mental Health Association cites 10 characteristics of people who are mentally healthy. They feel good about themselves most of the time Usually, they do not become overwhelmed by emotions, such as fear, anger, love, jealousy, guilt, or anxiety. Have lasting and satisfying personal relationships. Feel comfortable with other people. Can laugh at themselves and with others. Have respect for themselves and for others even if there are differences. Able to accept life’s disappointments. Can meet life’s demands and [...]

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5 Habits for Good Mental Health

2024-01-08T01:15:01-06:00Mental Health, Uncategorized|

Good mental health! It’s a statement we hear quite often, but the reality of what really constitutes it is sometimes illusive. For most of us, the interplay of our thinking, emotions and behaviors must be taken into account for good mental health. It is often our misunderstanding of the interaction of these three that can cause some conflict, confusion, or distress.   People’s thoughts and perceptions of events or words strongly influence their emotions and behaviors.   It is not a situation or one conversation that determines how we feel, but the way we interpret or give it meaning. Most of us relate how we feel about events, things and [...]

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Mental Peace is within Your Power

2024-01-08T01:16:46-06:00Mental Health|

We are constantly bombarded by information! Fast technology and the advances in global connectedness have required us to use our thinking processes differently than ever before. We are now more apt to use our imagination, rather than being tied to conventional assumptions or just using repetitive logic when we make decisions. We are more tolerant to failure and more “ok” with experimenting and trying new things. It’s almost like we have developed this strong need for more information and change. We actually LIKE change now. Or so it seems. I remember the best work I did while working for a Fortune 500 company years ago. It was when I was [...]

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9 Key Characteristics to Good Mental Health

2024-01-08T01:16:51-06:00Identity, Mental Health|

We often get asked questions like, “Is there a checklist for good mental health?” or “How do I know if I’m more on the mentally healthy side or if I’m a little crazy?” These questions are usually asked during a high-stress time in someone’s life; when things feel out of control, and they aren’t feeling confident about the way they are viewing the stuff going on around them. Maybe you’re in the middle of a separation or divorce Perhaps a close friend or relative moved to another state or country and you miss them You may be relocating all your belongings (home or office) from one place to another which [...]

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