Don’t Be Afraid to Change Yourself by Changing your Thinking This Year!


OK, I get it. The literalists in the room likely read the title of this blog and how it says, “Change Yourself,” and began to wonder if that’s really possible. After all, traits and moral character are pretty much set in stone. Most of your characteristics are also hard to change, and unless you get plastic surgery, it’s difficult to drastically alter how you look. So, at the end of the day, how much change are we talking about here?   Well, how about habits and behaviors, your attitude, and even your outlook on life? To piggyback off last week’s blog post, these are important steps to take if you [...]

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Your Successful Personal Change comes down to How You Think

2024-01-08T01:13:49+00:00Change, Success|

No one said creating successful personal change in our lives is easy. Even when we want to change personally, professionally, and in our relationships, fear often prevents us from acting. Peering into the future can even be daunting, making us even more resistant to change. But the good news is that we all have the capacity to grow and develop — and it comes down to how we think. As we learned in last week’s post, change is a process that takes a healthy combination of time, patience, and intentionality. So, rather than bite off too big of a chunk all at once, start slow, be methodical, and think in [...]

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4 Steps To Embracing Change in Life and Marriage


Everything around us is constantly changing. And by the same token, we as humans are not meant to stop growing or progressing. Yet, we are incredibly — and often unapologetically — resistant to change.  We don't embrace change.  Whether it’s because we prefer to leave well enough alone, bristle at the idea of possibly losing control, remain afraid of the unknown, or internally compare it with walking off a cliff blindfolded, we don’t … like … change. And we’ve been that way for a very long time. You are guilty of it. Your spouse is guilty of denying change. Even Susan and I are guilty of occasionally not embracing change. [...]

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What Crucial Opportunities are we Losing by Being Overwhelmed?

2024-01-08T01:16:48+00:00Change, Stress|

When was the last time you just sat, alone, in the quiet? No phone, no tv, no tech of any kind. No one but just you. I’m waiting, so you can think… I can’t remember the last time that I really did nothing. Wasn’t reading or praying or trying to work something out in my mind. It’s hard to just let everything go and not have stress. That’s just how we Americans usually function. There’s research and some hard evidence that the harried, frenzied, frazzled and worn-out lives many of us lead are costing us more than we can imagine. The price is withdrawn from our bank accounts, relationships, and [...]

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How to Sharpen Focus and Increase Productivity

2024-01-08T01:17:00+00:00Change, Focus|

I have always loved space stuff and it has now showed me how to focus for increased productivity.  Everything from watching Neil Armstrong walk on the Moon (yes I was around back then) in 1969 to The Jetsons (original Saturday morning airings). I find the way the planets and solar system move and inter-relate fascinating. The recent solar eclipse was no different. Although we didn’t have a full eclipse here in Texas, it was still interesting to watch how so much about the day changed with this solar interruption. The temperature dropping, shadows changing, co-workers and neighbors all out on their lawns with the famous and now extremely cheap solar [...]

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Have the In-Control Life You Love and Be the Envy of Your Friends

2024-01-08T01:17:42+00:00Change, Stress|

3 Simple Steps to Overcome Life’s Whirlwind! Imagine having an in-control life you love and being the envy of all your friends There’s been a lot of doing going on around our house the past two months. Well actually, there always is, but these past few months have been extra challenging and there’s been some stress. It’s been home improvement time at the Dawson’s, so we have had some painting done and new flooring installed. This is a wonderful blessing and we are thrilled to be able to upgrade our 17+ year-old stuff. However, if you’ve experienced the blessing of home improvements, you also know there’s a lot of packing, [...]

5 Essential Steps To Personal Transformation

2024-01-08T01:17:42+00:00Change, Identity|

What story are you telling yourself about yourself? Have you ever consciously thought about the self-talk you are creating? The story you tell yourself becomes what you believe, how you behave, and how you communicate who you are to others. Mike and I love Jim Gaffigan. He’s a master comedian and from what I’ve seen and heard, he’s a really funny husband/dad of 5 kids – who all live in an apartment in NYC. That’s enough material right there for several comedians I would guess. Jim has a wonderful bit about “myself.” It involves Jim going to the gym and seeing all the mirrors around the walls. Last thing he [...]

“If you would just change I would be happy.”


“If you would just change I would be happy” Couples may not say it exactly in these words, but this is often the meaning or what it sounds like. At least the idea or concept in their heads is “if you would just stop (fill in the blank), I wouldn’t be so angry” or, “if you would (fill in the blank), we would get along better.” Think about it. When you point the finger at your partner and say if you would change I would be happy, you’re basically saying that your partner is the problem. And if you go just a little deeper you are saying they are also [...]

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4 Strategies for Courageous Change


Do you ever dig up a shrub in your yard or empty a plant pot on your patio and not refill it immediately with another plant or soil? What happens in a few days? On my patio the hole will be filled with debris, leaves and maybe a few bugs in a very short time. The hole doesn’t stay empty; it fills up with whatever is swirling around in the breeze. Our lives are much like this. When our lives are functional but not as productive as we’d like, we may decide to make changes. When we decide to “get rid” of something that’s not working so well then it [...]

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