20 Ways to Cherish your Wife and make her Feel Amazing

2024-01-08T01:12:33-06:00Care, Cherish|

Do you ever wish you’d paid it forward just a little more with your wife? Given a little more attention to that conversation or request for some help? Sometimes life gives you just that opportunity to cherish your wife and if you’re running a little short on inspiration, here’s your cheat sheet. If you’re a wife and want your hubby to read this, print the list and just leave it lying around. Maybe he’ll take the hint. Better yet, check out this blog, “20 Ways to Make Your Hubby Feel Loved and Respected”. Implement a few of those ideas and maybe he’ll come up with some of his own… This [...]

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Build and Maintain Trust: Essential to a Great Marriage


We’ve been talking a lot over the past few blog posts about how important trust is in a marriage. It creates safety, openness, vulnerability, love, and all those other feel-good vibes that make living life with the person you love that much more special. We have also talked through how anger in a relationship erodes trust and makes trust extremely hard to build. Without trust, there’s no way any of us can expect our relationship to survive. But just because you and your spouse trust each other today doesn’t mean it will naturally be that way forever. Trust is earned over time, and then we must build and maintain it [...]

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20 Simple Ways to Make Your Wife Feel Cherished

2024-01-08T01:16:59-06:00Care, Cherish, Relationships|

Do you ever wish you had paid it forward just a little more with your wife? Given a little more attention to that conversation or request for some help. Sometimes life gives you just that opportunity to help your wife feel more cherished.  If you’re running a little short on inspiration, here’s your cheat sheet to CHERISH YOUR WIFE! If you’re a wife and want your hubby to read this, print the list and just leave it lying around. Maybe he’ll take the hint. Better yet, check out the blog, “20 Ways to Make Your Hubby Feel Loved and Respected”. Implement a few of those ideas, and he might come [...]

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