Mental Peace is within Your Power

2024-01-08T01:16:46-06:00Mental Health|

We are constantly bombarded by information! Fast technology and the advances in global connectedness have required us to use our thinking processes differently than ever before. We are now more apt to use our imagination, rather than being tied to conventional assumptions or just using repetitive logic when we make decisions. We are more tolerant to failure and more “ok” with experimenting and trying new things. It’s almost like we have developed this strong need for more information and change. We actually LIKE change now. Or so it seems. I remember the best work I did while working for a Fortune 500 company years ago. It was when I was [...]

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The “Movie Theater” Attitude for Couples


We recently went to the movies, and when we came out, Susan said, “That was a good movie, I enjoyed it. It was romantic, but at times also sad.” I thought to myself, “Really? What movie did she see?” It was a great movie! On that, we agreed. But my first thoughts about it were that it was full of action and suspense. What just happened? Now, we both went to the same movie. We heard the same words and saw the same images. We listened to the same soundtrack, accompanying the same actors saying the same words. But we had two completely different interpretations. In life and apparently in [...]

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