How to Process an Argument/Conflict Successfully


Does it ever feel like you have the same fight or argument or conflict over and over again? The subjects may be different, but the way you fight is the same old, same old. And the next conversation is never any better than the last one. That is a frustrating and totally exhausting way to have a relationship! It is no secret that most couples just do not have the skills or understanding to process an argument well. “Old habits die hard” is maybe more true in arguments than anywhere else. Paths through arguments are deeply ingrained, and so it is no wonder couples always end up at the same [...]

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Forgiveness-Who is it Really For?


"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - Mahatma Gandhi To forgive is one of the hardest things we do. The process can be so misunderstood, and yet it is so necessary. Why should I be forgiving when the other person is the one who has inflicted pain on me? An excellent question! But first, let’s look at what it is and what forgiveness means. Webster’s says: To give up resentment Stop being angry with Pardon Give up all claim to punish Overlook Cancel a debt Another way to look at forgiveness is to see it as a step toward re-establishing an intimate relationship!! The [...]

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