How to be Grateful for Opportunities vs. Overwhelmed by Responsibilities

2024-01-08T01:14:53-06:00Expectations, Focus|

Let’s be honest.  This time of year is hectic and you may be overwhelmed by responsibilities! Travel – Shopping – Cooking – Cleaning – Perfect Gifts – More guests in your home I get it.  A lot is going on, and the expectations of the season seem to grow each year.  Why do we let ourselves get sucked into this whirlwind of responsibilities? THINGS THAT SUCK US IN My family always made a huge deal of the holidays, and it wasn’t done right unless everyone was completely exhausted and broke at the beginning of the new year. As a kid, we didn’t have much, and now that I’m more financially [...]

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Know How to Maximize as a Couple when You have a Sprint Schedule

2024-01-08T01:14:55-06:00Care, Goals|

The tortoise and the hare children’s fable is familiar.  The hare opens with a sprint and uses his speed and agility to race the tortoise believing that his unique ability will lead to sure victory.  The tortoise’s abilities lie in moving through the race at the only pace he has, slow.  Because the hare uses all his energy to get ahead in the beginning, it’s his required rest that ends up causing him to lose the race.  The moral is “slow and steady wins the race”. Life in the 20th century seems to need both sprint and steady to accomplish the demands we have as couples.  Mike and I find [...]

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