How to Sleep Better? Tips for Positive Change!

2024-01-08T01:12:46-06:00Mental Health, Strategy, Uncategorized|

The holidays are almost over, which means many of us are thinking about New Year’s resolutions. You know — lose weight, stop smoking, spend more time with family, etc. All of these are worthy resolutions as we try to make a positive change for the new year, and if they’re on your list, please act on them. But the one that should be at the top is to sleep better. Top of your Resolutions List:  Sleep Better Wait … sleep? Yes … sleep! We all know how important quality sleep is. But it’s not surprising that so many people still don’t sleep very well — especially after the past few [...]

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WEEKEND WARRIOR – Moving the To Do List to the Ta Da List

2024-01-08T01:17:36-06:00Expectations, Friendship, Strategy|

Most weekends Mike and I have some time off together.  We are married, mutually responsible home owners, entrepreneurs and parents. This gives us ample opportunity each weekend to have an entire list of tasks/projects and expectations to accomplish them. Add to that: attending worship, finding social time together and enjoying friends, and we have enough to fill up way more than 2 days. Our usual MO is to make a running list of tasks and projects that we keep on the counter and mark things off of as they are completed. This method accomplishes several things: […]

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Steps to Setting and Achieving Your Most Important Goals!


It’s almost impossible to begin the New Year without at least thinking about making some kind of resolution, new promise to yourself, or setting some goals. Did you achieve the plans you set last year? Can you even remember what personal goals you made a year ago? Michael Hyatt says that 25% of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions after just one week, 60% quit or give up within six months, and the average person makes the same New Year’s resolution 10 different times without success. Ouch! Change is inevitable. Change is the very essence of life itself. But most of us don’t want that change to just happen to [...]

Focus Strategies for Life’s More Important Decisions


I’m not fan of working out. Yes, I understand the benefits are enormous. The older I get and the more I’m educated about the body and how it works, I’m convinced that being pro-active in a healthy lifestyle is much more worthy than the lifestyle I’m naturally drawn to. But this reality comes with a boatload of daily decisions that must have my attention. Do I spend the day convincing myself that broccoli is better for me than fried zucchini? And that those 15 minutes of sleep really will give me a big advantage at work? Is there a way to lessen the burden of the decisions I am faced [...]

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