3 Ways Compromise will Make Your Relationship Great Again

2024-01-08T01:12:52+00:00Connection, Marriage|

So many couples today still view the term “compromise” as if it were the same as one of those nasty four-letter words. To them, compromising means to “give in” to someone else’s wants — even if theoretically the idea is to meet in the middle. No one wins with compromise. Inevitably, someone will always get the short end of the stick. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Unless you’re making a moral compromise.   Relational compromise — especially when trying to resolve conflict in a healthy way — is usually very positive. “Compromise is not about losing. It is about deciding that the other person has just as much right [...]

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Divided on political differences? How to make this a Win-Win!

2024-01-08T01:14:02+00:00Difference, Safety|

With the election just a few days away, we thought it would be perfect timing to answer a very interesting question from the Mike and Susan Dawson mailbag. One follower asked us this: “What do you do when you and your spouse are completely divided on political issues?” What a great question! Let’s explore that a little bit. First things first, let me say that this is not a political post. We aren’t discussing candidates, hot-button topics, or even who is right or wrong. But there does seem to be a bit of division in our country right now. And while it is fine to have our differences, it seems [...]

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Relationships are like a drink from Sonic.


I love drinks from Sonic. The cup is a perfect thickness, the soda is mixed just right, the red straw is fun and sturdy. But the ICE. It’s really all about the perfect chunklette that: cools your drink, but doesn’t melt too fast. hangs around a while in your cup so you can munch on it after the soda is gone. doesn’t stick together in the cup. This ice is the reason I go to Sonic to get a soda, or even just plain water. THE ICE IS THE INFLUENCER IN THIS WHOLE TRANSACTION. Relationships are kind of like a drink from Sonic. Sonic cup = relationship 2 Straws = [...]

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