3 Ways Compromise will Make Your Relationship Great Again

2024-01-08T01:12:52-06:00Connection, Marriage|

So many couples today still view the term “compromise” as if it were the same as one of those nasty four-letter words. To them, compromising means to “give in” to someone else’s wants — even if theoretically the idea is to meet in the middle. No one wins with compromise. Inevitably, someone will always get the short end of the stick. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Unless you’re making a moral compromise.   Relational compromise — especially when trying to resolve conflict in a healthy way — is usually very positive. “Compromise is not about losing. It is about deciding that the other person has just as much right [...]

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Compromise isn’t giving up my way – It’s Making our Relationship Great!

2024-01-08T01:13:54-06:00Connection, Control|

Susan and I believe there is a misconception among couples about the term “compromise.” They think it means they have to meet in the middle every time and that each will give up a lot of things to make that happen. As a result, they can’t help but look at compromise as a bad word. How they get there just … feels … yucky — and everyone loses. Honestly, folks, compromise shouldn’t be that way! You have needs. I have needs. We have needs together! So, let’s compromise! A compromise (or compromising) should be a win-win for both the husband and wife. It’s where both of you feel good about [...]

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