Healthy Marriage Relationship starts with a Healthy YOU!

2024-01-08T01:13:50-06:00Emotion, Relationships, Uncategorized|

A healthy marriage starts with two healthy people. What we mean by that goes beyond eating right and exercising, though those are still two very important things. More importantly, it means thinking the right way about your marriage, learning to self-soothe, practicing good self-care, influencing your partner, and being emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy. We’ve touched on this over the previous four blogs, which on the surface were about improving relationships but really focused on how being the best YOU inevitably makes your relationship great. Your marriage can’t be healthy if only one of you subscribes to that mindset. As they say, it takes two! And If you’re both healthy [...]

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9 Key Characteristics to Good Mental Health

2024-01-08T01:16:51-06:00Identity, Mental Health|

We often get asked questions like, “Is there a checklist for good mental health?” or “How do I know if I’m more on the mentally healthy side or if I’m a little crazy?” These questions are usually asked during a high-stress time in someone’s life; when things feel out of control, and they aren’t feeling confident about the way they are viewing the stuff going on around them. Maybe you’re in the middle of a separation or divorce Perhaps a close friend or relative moved to another state or country and you miss them You may be relocating all your belongings (home or office) from one place to another which [...]

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5 Habits of Mind for Healthy Relationships! (Part 1)


Good mental health! It’s a statement we hear quite often, but the reality of what really constitutes it is sometimes illusive. For most of us, the interplay of our thinking, emotions and behaviors must be taken into account for good mental health. It is often our misunderstanding of the interaction of these three that can cause some conflict, confusion, or distress.  People’s thoughts and perceptions of events or words strongly influence their emotions and behaviors. […]

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