What is the Purpose of Prayer and Why Do I Need More of it in My Life?

2024-01-08T01:13:45-06:00Communication, Personal Responsibility|

What does prayer look like in your life? Is it only at church on Sundays? Or, do you also interact with God at other times — maybe during a quiet time in the morning, while driving to work, or while sitting out on the patio? Prayer is incredibly important. We know that. We also know that personal contact with Jesus changes everything! Yet, many of us, myself included right now, may not be in the close, love relationship with Christ we would really like to be in. In fact, many couples we talk to are constantly distracted by the trials and problems of everyday life. As a result, their understanding [...]

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Do You Feel Unloved In Your Most Important Relationship?

2024-01-08T01:16:31-06:00Anger, Love|

“Most of mankind’s misery stems from feeling unloved.” I read this quote the other day and felt a deep sense of sadness and the truth it conveys. So much of the pain, sorrow, and desperation we see revolves around feeling unloved. Under that heading of unloved comes these subheadings: Unaccepted Ashamed Below Hurt Insecure Angry Less Than Inferior Worthless These feelings of being unloved stem from a multitude of emotional injuries in our lives that may or may not get resolved. But there is always hope, and there are ways of addressing those feelings and being able to navigate relationships in a healthy way. However, it’s not an easy road, [...]

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10 Surprising Ways to Increase Romance

2024-01-08T01:16:36-06:00Communication, Intimacy|

Romance is an interesting word. It conjures up all kinds of thoughts for both men and women: candlelight, soft music, longing looks. Some might even think of a walk in the park or a bike ride together. But no matter how you see it, romance is really the act of pursuing each other; it’s a longing to be with someone and acting in a way that makes that person desire to be with you. Romance before marriage is usually pretty easy—there were no kids to distract you, no pressures of finances to fight over, no annoying habits to live with. After marriage, these things start to eat away at your longing [...]

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