Loyalty vs. Trained Response-Which do you want in your marriage?


Lots of times when we use the word loyal it applies to our pets.  Dogs usually give us a ton of unconditional love and affection just because we provide them with food, shelter and attention.  Our Labrador can’t wait for either of us to come home anytime day or night.  She’s always there with a smile on her face and entire butt wagging with abandon!  That is loyalty on four legs.  You can also train a dog to come you when call them but loyalty is more automatic. Loyalty could also be demonstrated in the brave Olympian Lindsey Jacobellis just snowboarded in her fourth Winter Olympics.  She is amazingly loyal [...]

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The Definitive Guide to Success in Life

2024-01-08T01:17:28-06:00Attitude, Success|

I don’t know how many couples I have said it to: the key to making your marriage ‘work’ is willingness! It’s not researched data yet, but my experience working with individuals and couples would show that those who have an open attitude and a willingness to try will result in success. When people have a strong desire to make their relationships better, it rarely ever has to do with their personality, skills, or intelligence. The capacity to make relationships great is not “rocket science” or overly complicated. Competence is not the issue. The skills and types of intelligence necessary for healthy relationships, and even rebuilding and healing a relationship, can [...]

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How to Process an Argument/Conflict Successfully


Does it ever feel like you have the same fight or argument or conflict over and over again? The subjects may be different, but the way you fight is the same old, same old. And the next conversation is never any better than the last one. That is a frustrating and totally exhausting way to have a relationship! It is no secret that most couples just do not have the skills or understanding to process an argument well. “Old habits die hard” is maybe more true in arguments than anywhere else. Paths through arguments are deeply ingrained, and so it is no wonder couples always end up at the same [...]

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