Smiling Really Does Show the World All the Love in Your Heart


You've got to get up every morning With a smile in your face And show the world all the love in your heart Then people gonna treat you better You're gonna find, yes you will That you're beautiful, as you feel Lyrics from Beautiful by Carole King These lyrics above may bring to mind an image of a 70’s music festival where everyone “loves” each other and all is right with the world.  Actually, this Carole King song was originally released in 1971 and the world was 2 years post-Woodstock but currently experiencing inflation at 4.3%, Voting age had just been lowered to 18 in the US and the Vietnam [...]

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5 Steps to Relational Safety

2024-01-08T01:17:56-06:00Relationships, Safety|

Last time we examined what a safe relationship might look or sound like; and what skills we can learn and practice to help the relationships in our lives. That if we are going to thrive, our marriages or other close relationships must remain a safe environment. This focus we are talking about is not physical, but emotional and relational safety. If you haven’t already, go back and evaluate what we said emotional and relational safety sounds like. Such as: My feelings, ideas, and concerns matter. We honor one another. Anger is not out of control. I don’t feel judgment, but understanding and compassion. Discover together what you do, or don’t [...]

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