Trust in a marriage: How to build a friendship that lasts

2024-01-08T01:14:44-06:00Friendship, Trust|

We hear people who are deeply in love say all the time, “My spouse is my best friend!” Great! That’s the way it should be. We should be best friends, from the very early “puppy love” stage of our relationship all the way through our gray-hair years and beyond. Friendship is one of those core things necessary to build trust in a longterm, committed relationship. In our previous two blog posts, we touched on what trust is and how trust can be built and maintained — which includes exhibiting deep friendships. The goal of this article is to expand on the friendship conversation. There’s a lot packed into this post, [...]

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15 Simple Ways to Reignite Your Love

2024-01-08T01:14:58-06:00Intimacy, Love|

When Mike and I met in college it was unusual circumstances.  His sister was a dorm mate of mine and introduced us the first time.  She gets credit for our meeting.  However, we didn’t get to know one another until a year later in a business fraternity.  It was passion at 2nd sight you might say. Remember When... Remember how it used to be when you and your spouse first fell in love.  We were so sweet and passionate about each other. The two of us would stay out for hours, walking across campus or sitting in the dorm lobby, just getting to know one another.  We talked about so [...]

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Turning Towards Your Significant Other


Imagine yourself in this scenario. It’s a beautiful Saturday morning. You are at the breakfast table enjoying a leisurely meal. You look out the window and then turn to your partner, “Babe, we should go for a bike ride later. It’s a perfect day!” Does your partner turn to you and respond with? A. “That’s a great idea! I’ll go pump up the bike tires!” B. “It is a beautiful day outside.” C. “A bike ride? Really? I can’t think of anything I’d like to do less.” D. (Keeps reading the paper.) In this scenario did you know that the request to go on a bike ride together is actually [...]

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